He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he gives of his bread to the poor.
Proverbs 22:9
Serenity Sandwiches began as a small way to help the hungry in our community. What started with 200 sandwiches per week, has grown to over 3,000 sandwiches, 600+ cups of soup, and over 50,000 pounds of groceries served to hundreds of needy and homeless people in the areas of Minneapolis and St. Paul each week.
The vision to start Serenity Sandwiches was given in 2014 to Kiley Benson, who managed a Subway store at the time. Each night, he would see hundreds of loaves of bread being tossed, and thought to himself that there must be something he could do with that wasted nourishment. He brought that bread to SVCC, purchased some lunch meat and cheese and recruited a team to write special notes to be inserted into each sandwich wrapper. Thus, Serenity Sandwiches was birthed.
SVCC prepares hundreds of sandwiches every Monday at 5pm (SVCC Fellowship Hall), and distributes them every Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. If you would like to volunteer for Sandwich Distribution & Street Outreach, meet in the church parking lot at 10am and/or 5pm on Saturdays.
If you would like to be a part of this team, please contact us at

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