“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Ephesians 4:2-3
At SVCC, we like to look at marriage as a partnership. God has created a spouse specifically for each of us, and at times, the roles of husband and wife can get confusing. They will most certainly change throughout the marriage, and sometimes look drastically different than when we first said our “I Do’s”.
Relationship & Marriage Builders is a place where we can dig deep into the Word of God and learn about His principles, and what a Godly, Christ-centered marriage should look like. We have learned that men desire to be respected, and women want security. Shauna Fenske, Marriage & Family Therapist with Be Kind 2 People leads us through powerful discussions that reveal our strengths and vulnerabilities, so that we can continue to grow in our relationship with ourselves and each other, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. The focus is having Christ be the center of our marriage: the closer our individual relationship with Christ, the closer we get to one another, and the stronger our Christ-centered marriage becomes.
Our married couples range from newlyweds to 40+ years of wedded-bliss! We have such a wonderful mix of husbands and wives who have been through it all, and we are able to learn from one another how to STRENGTHEN our marriages where they currently are. This is not a “class” to restore broken relationships, or a place to “call out” your husband or wife. Just as with our physical bodies, we want to keep getting stronger in our spiritual unions. This is why our group is called Relationship & Marriage Builders. It is our responsibility to preserve this sacred and holy gift that God has given us by working to make it better each and every day.

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