Serenity Village Community Church is a non-denominational, Christ-centered church. SVCC opened its doors in December of 2012 with passion and excitement to reach God’s lost and wandering children, and show them the way to a new life. The foundation of SVCC was laid through the ministry of Serenity Homes, which began in 2004 when Jeff Hill was given the vision to open the first Serenity recovery home. He began teaching a Tuesday night bible study for people in recovery, with the goal to assist those struggling with addiction and guide them to a new, Christ-centered life. 8 years later in January of 2012, Pastor Jeff’s spiritual father recognized that the powerful message being delivered each Tuesday evening was meant to be more far-reaching, and so Serenity Village Community Church came to life.
Love God, love His people just as they are, and teach others to do the same.
Be the church, grow leaders and true Jesus-followers and send them out into the community, the nation, and around the world.
We value the Word of God, and teach others to hear the word, speak the word, and be doers of the word through obedience, prayer, and worship.

Pastor Jeff Hill
Lead Pastor
Pastor Jeff Hill is the founder and lead pastor of Serenity Village Community Church, based in Crystal, MN. He is a dynamic leader and powerful speaker who is passionate for Christ and for Christ’s people. Pastor Jeff made a choice years ago that altered the direction of his life; that decision was to surrender his life completely to God.
In 2004, he was given the vision to create a faith-based transitional housing platform for those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. Starting with one house and six men, Serenity Homes was established. Today, Serenity Homes has grown to a 100-bed program for men and women that has changed the lives of over 1,000 individuals.
With the foundation of the housing ministry already in place, in 2012 Pastor Jeff launched Serenity Village Community Church (SVCC). It began as an idea that was sparked by his pastors, and birthed in a living room. The message of the church is simple: to love God’s children just as they are, to use practical biblical teachings to build up the church, and train up strong leaders who will reach the lost and teach others to do the same.
Prior to entering ministry, Pastor Jeff graduated from Bethel University with a degree in Marketing & Finance and began his career as a successful entrepreneur. With this background and the blessing of owning a business, he is able to employ residents of Serenity Homes who may otherwise have difficulty finding jobs due to their past. These jobs help them find purpose, and live a clean, God-centered life.

Pastor Danny Hernandez
Associate Pastor
Danny grew up in Chicago, IL and moved to Minneapolis in 2007, where he attended North Central University. It was at North Central where he met his wife, Crystal. Danny graduated in 2012 with a degree in Music Education.
His passion for the future generation extends to all age groups, from Pre-K to High School students. He has served as a School Age Care Director in the YMCA, and as an Administrator at a local high school. Danny was ordained Youth Pastor of SVCC in June of 2017.
He and Crystal share a heart to equip the future generation with the wisdom, knowledge and principles of a faith-filled life by teaching them about God and His unconditional love.

Pastor Scott Person
Recovery Pastor
Pastor Scott was born and raised in north Minneapolis. He lived in Kansas City, Missouri for 5 years where he attended Master’s Commission Discipleship Program. Over the past 24 years, he has been pastored and mentored by Pastor Lloyd Rindels of New Day Church in Kansas City, Missouri, BIll Bauske, former Director of Metro Hope Ministries and Pastor Jeff Hill, founder of Serenity Village Recovery Homes and Serenity VIllage Community Church. Pastor Scott has worked for Metro Hope Ministries for the past 11 years. He is now the Director of the men’s recovery program at New Hope Center where he has a heart for the lost and loves serving people and watching the transforming power of the Lord work in their life. Today he is married to Penny and has two beautiful daughters and one grandson.